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Friday, December 12, 2008

You are not in control, get used to it...

"Not until we embrace God's sovereignty will we have the ability to reason our way through life theologically. Until then, we will be too important in the plan. Man's opinion will be too significant to us. And, we will churn and wrestle and struggle our way through the Christian life. Trying too hard to please people rather than living it relieved and relaxed in His plan." Taken from the book Mystery of God's Will by Charles Swindoll.

Sovereignty means God is in control. This is His life, His will, His plan, His world, and we are His people. Until we realize that we do not have sovereignty, we are not in control over us, we will not live in peace.

We need to realize that we are not the ruler over our lives but that we were created to surrender it to His plan and trust Him. We need to realize that we are not in control of, nor can we change people. We also need to realize that until we purpose ourselves to live an obedient life to Christ, we will be people pleasers. Being a people pleaser causes us to agree to things that there is no grace for. It causes an overcrowded schedule. It causes us to second guess certain things about ourselves. It causes us to harbor unforgiveness toward ourselves even when we fail to please someone around us.

Yesterday's blog came from being too concerned with what others think of me. It is a three-fold thing for me. I am concerned with how others around me perceive me. I have learned this week that this way of thinking is bondage and I'm gettn' free! A portion of it was directed toward my husband because I know I've missed it with him on many occasions. I was angry, in part, with him because I can't live up to his expectations. He is seeking more right now than what I am capable of giving. Finally, I'm angry with myself because I know I'm not meeting his needs. It's sad when you feel like a continual failure, especially when 9 times out of 10 it is due to selfishness. My husband has always believed that people get defensive in certain situations because they feel guilty. I got angry with him because I know I'm failing in certain areas and frankly, I don't want to be reminded by his sad eyes.

When I first came to terms with our housing situation I had a friend tell me over and over to, well, get over myself because Jesus bought and paid for it all. he paid the price for my past. I actually didn't keep in contact with her because I wasn't sure about her beliefs and doctrine.

Philippians 3:12-16 NLT
12 I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to posses that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. 13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
15 Let us all who are spiritually mature agree on these things. If you disagree on some point, I believe God will make it plain to you. 16 But we must hold on to the progress we have already made.

In verse 12 Paul is saying I'm not there, I'm not perfect. In verse 13 he is saying but his focus is on one thing, forgetting the past! In verse 15, he is saying that if you want to spend your life dwelling on the past and beating yourself up, you are spiritually immature. In verse 16 he is saying, I'm not where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be. Acknowledge the progress you have already made. Whoo hoo! That's good news people.

So if I want to spend my time questioning God's promises, wondering whether he really forgives, and beating myself up, I'm being immature and wasting time. It takes a lot of faith to ask God to forgive you once, receive it, and move on.

Furthermore, God chooses to use people that the world would consider garbage. My value is not measured in what others think of me or even what I think of me. It is measured in what God thinks of me.

I am loved by God and He gave his one and only Son for me. (John 3:16)
I am a new creation in Christ; the old has gone and the new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17)
I have peace with God. (Romans 5:1)
The Holy Spirit lives in me. (1 Corinthians 3:16)
I have access to God's wisdom. (James 1:5)
I am helped by God. (Hebrews 4:16)
I am reconciled to God. (Romans 5:11)
I am not condemned by God. (Romans 8:1)
I have Christ's righteousness. (Romans 5:19; 2 Corinthians 5:21)
I am completely forgiven. (Colossians 1:14)
I am tenderly loved by God. (Jeremiah 31:3)
I am the sweet fragrance of Christ to God. (2 Corinthians 2:15)
I am a temple in which God dwells. (1 Corinthians 3:16)
I am blameless and beyond reproach. (Colossians 1:22)
I am the salt of the earth. (Matthew 5:13)
I am the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14)
I am a branch on Christ's vine. (John 15:1,5)
I am Christ's friend. (John 15:5)
I am chosen by Christ to bear fruit. (John 15:16)
I am a joint heir with Christ, sharing His inheritance with Him. (Romans 8:17)
I am a member of Christ's body. (1 Corinthians 12:27)
I am a saint. (Ephesians 1:1)
I am hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3)
I am chosen by God, holy and dearly loved. (Colossians 3:12)
I am a child of the light. (1 Thessalonians 5:5)
I am holy, and I share in God's heavenly calling. (Hebrews 3:1)
I am sanctified. (Hebrews 2:11)
I am one of God's living stones, being built up in Christ as a spiritual house. (1 Peter 2:5)
I am firmly rooted and built up in Christ. (Colossians 2:7)
I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me. (1 John 5:18)
I have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16)

And the list goes on....

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